On Energy Networks
On Energy Networks we are specialized in:
» Electric Vehicle Solutions and Services - We offer END to END solutions and Turn-key services:
- Back–end systems - System Management and Control is practically unique design solution for control, monitoring and management of the charging infrastructure. The System is a result of its own development, compliance with specifications and regulations (as far as available) for the management and control of electric vehicles and associated structure. Essentially, the platform is open-ended and can connect charging stations from different manufacturers (if they maintain the appropriate standard protocols of communication and transport) and similar platforms of other vendors in compliance with the above conditions.
- Front-end systems – The system operates with various protocols, which are supported by electric vehicles charging stations. The software packages control and monitor whole process in the chain of charging process- charging, monitoring, control, control of credits etc. The solution is based on pre-paid platform with RFID card reader.
- Communication module – it’s adaptive and flexible solution. The module itself organizing communication between any element of charging infrastructure and is part of Front-End application solution. In the module can be integrated an additional services, like handling of alarms, control of parking slots etc. The module can be successfully integrated with third party applications, sending events data and nodes status over SNMP.
- Web applications and software – Web applications allow users to be informed real time about availability and status of charging stations in the infrastructure
- RFID programmer – The software packages administrate and control whole processes of RFID operations. The traders can control the cards itself, regulate and charge credits on the cards.
» Turnkey Solutions
- Engineering, Construction, Installations, Site Surveys and Acquisition, Legalization and Permitting;
» Maintenance Services:
- AC/DC/Diesel Generation Systems;
- AC Power systems;
- DC Powers Systems / Batteries;
» Energy Network Connections and System Integration
- Field Operations
» Outsourcing Activities and Processes